
We are part of The Evangelical Free Church of America and hold to their statement of faith.


Seriously Biblical

God has spoken to us in his Word. We strive to listen with humility and reverence. We pray the Bible, preach the Bible, sing the Bible, and read the Bible in light of the Word made Flesh, Jesus Christ.

Common Commitments

Our church is a home to people from various Christians traditions: We “major on the majors, and minor on the minors.” We submit to God’s Word supremely. We unite around salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone, to the glory of God alone.

Thoughtful Worship

Our worship includes prayer, singing of hymns old and new, expository preaching, and weekly communion. We strive to be biblically rooted, historically informed, and personally engaged.

Friendly Fellowship

Our church considers fellowship as a continuation of worship. Each Lord’s Day we share food, conversations, and prayers. We highly encourage deepening friendships through hospitality and home Bible studies.

Steadfastly Christian

We embrace Christ’s commission to be light shining the darkness. No matter the darkness of the culture, we will follow Jesus Christ. We equip the saints to be “in, but not of” the world.

We joyfully partner with the following missionaries:


Tim Kenney


Pat Nunan



We are committed to knowing Jesus and making Him known. This means that we are passionate about understanding the Bible, because it is all about Jesus.

Find more of our sermons on SermonAudio

What to Expect


Welcome & Announcements
Prayer of Confession, Assurance of Pardon, & Preparation for Worship
Hymn Singing
Recitation of our Statement of Faith
Congregational Prayer
Scripture Reading
Hymn Singing
Hymn Singing
The Lord’s Supper


We strive to be reverent toward God and welcoming toward all sorts of people. Some people dress casually, others more formally. Some of our people express praise through raising their hands, others through still contemplation. Sometimes we are very serious and sometimes we laugh a lot. Our Sunday morning gathering is usually 40 people. We tend to sing hymns in a simple style so we can hear one another sing. We have snacks after our morning worship, and we like to stay and visit.

Children and Teens

Children are welcome in our worship services—we encourage it. Parents may utilize the nursery in the basement, with access to audio and video of the worship service.


Outside of the Lord’s Day, our church gathers for Bible Studies at various times and places. We grow in our friendship with one another and as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. Contact us for more information.



PHONE: 509.586.0035

ADDRESS: 300 South Quincy Street, Kennewick, WA


Checks can be sent to the address above. We do not currently provide an online giving portal. Please contact us if you need assistance.